CAMBODIA 2014Khmer Christian Centre, Puok Village
Poverty is not just a lack of material wealth. Poverty is about a deeper brokenness that scars all humans – an empty heart, a lack of hope, isolation, severed relationships and not knowing God. I have known of poverty that I cannot save myself from. I could avail myself in my limited time and resources by being there to listen, to echo another’s thoughts, to offer temporary comfort, to just be present but God is the infinite, daily presence who loves, gives hope and comfort to people. The One who can fill the void in our hearts. It was a joy to serve and share each others’ burdens, and see how our different strengths complemented one another during the trip. And through much honest sharing and laughter, friendships are built. I know that it does not always happen but I’m am grateful to God that it did. I’m still continually encouraged by how God use people to work in the lives of the Cambodians. It is through these genuine friendships that I have experienced His unconditional love and His unfailing words. Cambodia for Christ.
~ words inspired by Jolene Cheng |